
Silicone Shape Sorter


Life is full of puzzles.

Learn shapes, colours, cause and effect, and problem-solving skills with our 100% silicone shape sorters. 

Complete with a 100% cotton bag. As a parent you know there is nothing worse than lost pieces or rummaging around to find one part of a toy, in a toy box of things. Our packaging is designed to not only be sustainable and free from plastic but provide an easy tidy-up solution for toys with parts. Pop all parts into our drawstring bag, and into the toy box as a complete set, it goes. Only a parent would have thought of that right? 

  • 100% silicone 
  • 100% cotton bag included for easy cleanup
  • Safe to sterilize with steam and boiling water
  • Safe for little gums 

To be used under adult supervision always.

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